SummerFilm Project: British Museum Interviews - Oscar Hudson

Today we were interviewing at the British museum.
First we went and looked at the Anglo Saxon exhibit featuring some of the Sutton Hoo collection. We were tasked with choosing six items that Horsa would be buried with and reasons why.



Kate Morton then took us behind the scenes of the British Museum to some rooms where we could interview. We were in two teams of film making now. 
Our first interview was with Chris Thorndycroft who has written a trilogy on the story of Hengest and Horsa.

We then met Dr Jennifer Nevillee who knows about words...

Then we talked to Kate Morton who illustrated the book that Muriel Hudson wrote. She talked a lot about the finite detail she included in the illustrations and how the sources influenced these decisions.

Finally we talked to this Dr Jane Roberts. The information we got from her was amazing.


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