St Paulinus School Fete: The Battle of Crayford!

What a brilliant day we had a the fete. Repeating History, Wulfingas and  MoD Theatre all helped in making this day really special for the children who were going to be filmed battling out for the prize of Crayford!
In the Anglo Saxon Chronical there is a mention of a great battle in Crayford. The site of the battle, from other source, point to it taking place on Mount Nod, where St Paulinus School stands. This was the thinking behind this great re-enactment. The children from Holy Trinity are from Kent and therefore the attackers- Anglo Saxons and the children at St Paulinus from London and therefore the Britons. As we cannot rewrite history we already knew that the Anglo Saxons won but it was still so much fun.
Our Roman actor helped the children prepare for battle as did members of Wulfingas and Repeating History. As you can see from the pictures , the battle was intense and the children enjoyed dressing up and supporting their King to victory.


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