SummerFilm Project: Lighting, sound and first interviews - Oscar Hudson

Day 2 of the summer film project began today on 27/7/2018. The morning began with a small recap of the story, before the kids split up into their filming groups. As well as all the other technical knowledge, they have gained they have been introduced to lighting. They have been doing mock interviews, with each of them taking up different roles such as: Director, interviewer,cameraman and lighting.

The kids were then introduced to the sound devices they will be using. they have been taught how to set them up correctly, attach the mic to the interviewee and sound check so that the sound is clear and working. 
After lunch Julie read out a poem written by one of our CRAY volunteers Muriel Hudson. She has looked at all the available sources that describe the story and converted them into a fantastic poem that anyone can understand. Thanks Muriel.
Final preparations before the first interview of the project

The first interview is about to begin with Peter Daniel in the hot-seat.
Pete's interview was great!
Now it's time for the interview with Clare Lodge. Member of the Bexley Archaeological group.
She has come to talk to us about Dene holes. (Dene is Saxon for hole or valley.)
Clare very kindly brought in some pictures of Dene holes so that we can visualise them.
It has been a fab second day. Have a good weekend.


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